

The return of the King

I guess it's really more like the King's first appearance, but "the return" sounds cooler in a nerdy sort of way. I got my new wheels from the bike shop today. I had the new spokes and rims put on the old hubs as the hubs were fine after the accident. All the insurance stuff has now been processed and finished which is great news. The dent in the frame was accounted for and I was able to get a different kind of wheel that allows tubeless tires. Check it out.

All in all, other than being a pain in the butt, and not having the bike for a couple weeks, it turned out okay. A little extra cash in my pocket from the damaged frame and new wheels. The bike shop cleaned the cassette too, so with a new crankset, clean cassette and cleaned chain, it should be dirt free for about 5 minutes. Carter, a buddy who used to work at UNOS with me, and I are going riding tomorrow in Williamsburg and another park a little farther south as well. It's gonna be a hot one, but oh well. It's mid July on the East coast. It's never really pretty. 

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