

Kill Devil Hills

The beach. The sun, sand, and water just have a way of relaxing me. Considering I'd been preoccupied with the insurance companies and dealing with my bike damage issues, I was ready for a little relaxation. The beach is always a vacation in my mind. I went down to Kill Devil Hills, NC to visit my cousin who lives a few blocks up from the beach. I consider it my own free beach house.

We watched the re-enactment of "The Lost Colony" Friday night, which was really quite good. It's the longest running outdoor re-enactment show in the US. And Andy Griffith was an actor there in the late 40's and early 50's.

Saturday and Sunday were full of beach going and eating. The dogs kept each other company most of time.  Sunday evening on my way home I stopped by my dad's place in Hampton and had dinner. It's nice having family close enough for weekend pop-ins.

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