

Softball is dangerous

The "Donators" had their second game last night. I could try and say we were still warming up, or getting the kinks out, but if that were true, pigs would fly. We just aren't that good. A few of us played in high school or as kids, but most of us haven't played until joining the work league. So batting is literally hit or miss even in slow pitch softball. Catching, fielding, and basic play knowledge leaves much to be desired. But we're a spirited bunch and enjoy getting outside.

We have a good time and I know I love the crack of the bat. That zone your brain goes into when the pitcher winds up and releases the ball and you watch it come in, almost in slow motion (really slow motion with slow pitch), as you decide if it's going to be strike and should swing for the fences. I've always been a contact hitter. Never really had the power to knock it out of the park, but could always get a piece of it and run like hell. Good times.

We had a new guy playing shortstop (yes, I know....) who was actually doing pretty well, until I'm not sure what happened, but it looked like he messed up his ankle. He came hopping in from the field and couldn't move it. We got some ice and elevated it, and quickly came to realize it was more than a sprain, strain or tweak. After a visit to the ER, they learned he had ruptured his Achilles tendon. That's the "pop" he kept saying he heard. Yikes! As quick as that, his softball career is over. He's scheduled for surgery next week, which seemed odd to me, but I guess I'm no doctor. Best of luck on the recovery with that

Much less severe or dramatic, sprinting around the outfield and running the bases and then taking over at short stop, has caused my left leg to become angry. First the hamstring was tight and sore, then my quad had enough, which required other muscles to compensate, which led to hip and groin muscle straining. The plan was to go disc golfing and riding on Friday, but since it's going to be raining anyway, I think I'll take a much needed break. Rest up and stretch and recover. It's bad when you have to take R&R from softball. Softball is supposed to BE the R&R. Dangerous.

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