

In 7 short weeks....

I'll be moving to the city. Last year after selling the house, I looked at a bunch of places in the city, but couldn't find anything I liked. As I said before, I have been looking for a place for a little bit since my lease is ending in June. I was starting to get discouraged as I'd seen a few and all were similar to last year. Lacking a washer/dryer, or just being plain dumpy.

So I didn't have high hopes when I went to see a place on Thursday. I made an appointment to see the place at 5:30, so I left work a little early and when I got there I realized, 7 other people had appointments to see the place. I wasn't sure if that was due to efficiency or laziness on the landlords part. I quickly realized it was efficiency luckily.

It's a two bed, one bath place with washer/dryer, dishwasher, garbage disposal, cabinet space and the bathroom had a vanity. Unheard of for that price until now. And the kicker, it actually had 2 big closets. The only downside is that it's on the second floor. But since there was a rear entrance to a deck with wide stairs, I thought, I'll take it!

It all went so fast from there. Three people including me gave him applications for the place, and he said he had a few from earlier in the day he needed to look through and he'd call everyone that night. About 3 minutes after I leave on my way home, I get a call, and it's the landlord saying he likes my application best and was wondering if I could get him the security deposit. In the end, I'll be moving there the first week in June.

I'll be 3 miles from work. A very ridable distance, and on a quite street, not the party district, but still walking distance to a bunch of restaurants.

A note on walking... Softball season started for our work league on Wednesday. The got clobbered, no thanks to my flubs in the outfield and them just being a whole lot better than our team. But it was a lot of fun and a really nice night weather wise too. My legs were tired after running around in the outfield, like I knew they would be.

I thought I'd be okay as I'd been mountain biking pretty hard the last couple weeks. I knew I'd be sore, but this was ridiculous. I could hardly walk by Friday. Saturday is still a pain, but getting better. There's another lesson for you. If you don't run for 8 months, and then go out and sprint for 2 hrs like you're in high school, you will pay the price.

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