

A new home

As my Mobile Me account has now expired, I will try and continue my infrequent "blogging" on this site. I need to move my pictures from my old site to Picasa and find a site to host my climbing and random videos. Youtube is an option but they don't like it if you have a song in the background of your video, so I'm still looking for a viable place to put those. Any suggestions are welcome.

 As spring comes around, it's time to think about renewing my lease at my current place or find a new one. I had decided to move, but now as I look around at places in the city, I am having second thoughts. I'd like to find a place where I don't have to climb 3 flights to let the dog in and out like my current apt. And I think it'd be really nice to be able to bike to work, especially with gas prices going the way they are.

So I got on craigslist and every other apartment hunting site you can think of to find a 2 bd, 1 bath, ground floor place with a washer/dryer in my price range, which admittedly, is on the low side when you're talking about the city. It's quite hard to find a place with, what I would call basic amenities. I either have to move farther away than I'd like for biking, or do without something. Decisions, decisions.

I'll try and have a little write up of my past few weekends as they have been awesome. Maybe a little too awesome, as I need to cut down on some spending to make it through the rest of April. It was well worth it though. Good times with good friends and great memories. 

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