

March flowers...

Usually March is pretty chilly, and we long for the coming Spring. This year, spring has come and there was no messing around. With it comes, the heat, and the rain unfortunately. It was in the 80's most of the week, and then this weekend it cooled off and rained, for what felt like all weekend. March showers bring March flowers; that's how the saying goes, right? Here's a couple random pictures of flowers I've taken, usually while out walking Maddog around my neighborhood.

We had planned to go to a St. Patty's festival, but got rained out. Ended up trying out a couple new places to eat though, which was fun. I did get to go riding on Friday before the weather came in, and I also planted a couple tomato plants and a few herbs. Mint, lavender, oregano, and rosemary. We'll see how they do in the pots on my porch. Times like these makes me miss having a backyard.

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