Thankfully Madison doesn't know too many tricks, so I don't live in fear on this gorgeous Sunday. I'm typing this outside on my front porch; late afternoon enjoying the sun. Went for a run today since our "big race" is in a couple weeks. Still only did just over a mile. Might have to up the distance mid week and try and do a couple miles next weekend. And the beard is no longer. I had let the beard run wild for about a month straight and now I'm back to normal.
Beard before |
During |
After |
I am most of the way through the book Quitter now, and along with close peoples encouragements, the seeds of inspiration are being planted. I won't go into detail now so I don't over think and create barriers which may or may not be there.
I've had a couple question on food related topics which I've so far neglected to respond to. Mostly because it seems there's already good write ups on the internet, but I need to research these things on my own and practice writing up concise, accurate posts. Otherwise, my posts all end up being the same "what I did this weekend posts."
First throw landed right under the basket. |
And I will do that again here. :-) Disc golf on Friday morning, where I nearly got a hole in one... maybe next time. Then later that day Maddog and I met up with Karen and her dogs and went to the Wetlands for some dog play time. Then we got some tasty sushi dinner with sake and good conversation. Saturday ended up raining a little in the morning and also a thunder storm in the afternoon so it was good we didn't go camping. But we did end up grilling out and eating a slew of delicious vegetables and fish. Two good days!
The weather should be nice this week and I'm planning on riding in as many days as I can. Now that sundown is after 7:30pm, I'll start riding my mountain bike and hitting the trails on the way home instead of just the usual road riding to work and back.
Look for posts on agave and brown rice vs white rice in the near future. I'll leave you with some more random pictures from the neighborhood along with my tomato plant that's flowering.
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