

Rained out

Today is May 5th, also known as Cinco de Mayo, and my Dad's birthday. Happy birthday Dad!

It rained yesterday morning here in Richmond. Nothing like what caused/is causing floods in Alabama, and it cleared up around noon. But the Parks and Rec folks decided the fields were too wet for play so we did not have our softball game last night. I was on the fence about playing this week anyway with my finger, cold and tetanus shot.

I went on Monday to the doctor to get the tetanus shot since I haven't had one in probably 13 yrs as best I can remember. After cutting my finger late last week I figured it'd be a good idea to get the shot. My finger is doing pretty well really. No infection, no pain and I'm sure the nail will grown back in the next couple weeks. I asked for the shot to be given in my left arm just in case I had to throw the ball on Wed. Since the game was canceled it didn't really matter, but I didn't know that at the time. The shot itself is pretty mundane, but the soreness that comes afterwards is very real. Raising my arm above chest height was quite a chore.

In other big news, Apple released new iMac's. I'm sure nobody reading this is as excited as I am about it, but it really was a pretty good update. Even the bottom end computer has a quad-core processor and a much improved video card. And with the inclusion of Thunderbolt it'll be future proof in many ways for a long time. I plan on getting myself one in the next couple months. Hopefully sooner rather than later, but I need to wait and see how much moving costs and get situated before spending a chunk o-change on a computer.

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