


Virginia State University will be a big part of my life in the near future. I went yesterday to talk to the Professor about the Dietetics program they offer. After some chit chat and a few questions, we talked about the courses and I found out they started today (May 15th) which was tomorrow yesterday. To miss out on the summer courses would mean not being able to take the Fall classes and in turn not being able to take the Spring classes, so the options were to do it now, or wait another whole year.

So I signed up for two summer classes which start today, but I don't have access to the online system yet and don't have any books or information on professors or anything. Feeling a little unprepared, but I'll get it all sorted out in the next couple days and be a legit student again. Exciting in that I'll be studying something I like, and intimidating because I'll have a lot less free time with the homework and class time. Looking forward to the future.


Kaz said...

It will all pay off in the long-run and it will be easier than you think due to all your self study efforts. :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds good, Wes! Best of luck!