

Back on the horse

The proverbial horse of course. I've never fallen off a real horse thank goodness. I went to play disc golf Friday morning and I shot 1 under par at Bryan Park from the long tees.  That was the best score I've gotten, ever, really. I was 3 under until the second to last hole where I botched a couple puts since I was pleasantly mentally distracted. I'll just say it was a good day that ended with dinner and ice cream and drinks. 

Sunday I went to Busch Gardens with my dad and a couple he knows. It rained a little bit in the morning which was great for the waiting lines to rides. I think we waited 5 min in the longest line.  The Griffon is probably my favorite, for the thrill factor, but the Apollo's Chariot ride is right up there with it's long smooth drops and turns. 

Went for a ride after work last night with what turned into 5 people. One of my new neighbors wanted to try out the trails, so he borrowed a bike and came along. Unfortunately, the bike was a pretty poor fit for him and as the trails are really rough.  It was difficult and slow going. We didn't make it back until after dark unfortunately which made things even more difficult. Next time I will definitely throw the headlamp in my backpack.

Tonight, the Richmond Squirrels are playing and I will be one of the spectators if the weather holds out. My fingers are crossed. Back up plans will be made just in case though.

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