

Primal mud run

I haven't forgotten about the rice and agave posts, but I've been pleasantly busy with several things. This past weekend was another fun filled, action packed adventure. With some tame disc golf on Friday and a bit of exploring around Bryan park where I hadn't been before, and then dinner at the food cart extravaganza. Unfortunately, the food cart dinner was lackluster, and also caused some mid-night bathroom runs. Not cool.  Before the food took effect, we stopped by Babe's and I saw this sign on the bathroom door.

Saturday morning was filled with preparations for the Primal Mud Run. I really can't do it justice, so just check out the whole set of pictures. I've put a couple here just as a teaser. It was a ton of fun! 9 people in total including my buddy Scott from NOVA, Karen and Jen, a bunch of people from Richmond and a guy from Florida who took and posted all these pictures. Thanks Vic! 4 miles of running broken up by all kinds of interesting obstacles, from monkey bars, to mud pits.

Sunday was a rest day. Went to the dog park, and then the green house to pick out and plant some vegetables. Dinner was some grilled fish, peppers and onions and a sliced sweet potato, which was amazing! And for dessert, a grilled banana. Yup. Leaving the banana in the peel, just throw it on the grill, and let it warm up and get all gooey inside. When it's done, you remove it from the peel and add some super dark shaved chocolate on top while it's hot. Melty, sweet goodness!

Unbeatable weekend. Next weekend will be spent in New Orleans and I'm sure that's going to be a great time too. I'll have to make sure I keep better track of my camera so I can post pictures earlier rather than later.

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