Nutritional Biochemistry resumed on Friday. So we got our tests back and I did pretty well. And way better than the average. So that was nice. Got into more cycles of energy molecules. Krebs, Cori, Glycolosis... ect. Lots of very detailed, foundational material, but nothing you really use as a nutritional counselor. Luckily, I happen to find the foundational molecular stuff pretty interesting.

For dinner we went to Karen's mom's house, and helped move some furniture and work out some computer problems. Saturday was a full day of cleaning and general maintenance stuff like getting a hair cut. But Sat. night was
Oktoberfest, 2 blocks from my house, so we went and hung out with friends, listened to um pa music and watched stein holding contests.
Sunday morning we attended a "meditation group" which was interesting. The weather was the best, and it was something I might do again, but perhaps earlier in the day and closer to my house. We'll see.
Then got in a ride with Carter and a guy named Nate, who had a single speed stiff (no suspension) bike, who left Carter and I in the dust. It was fun(ny) trying to keep up. Good times. Ice cream with Kiki after the ride was perfect and then a relaxing dinner and silly movie with Kaz filled Sunday night. Doesn't get much better than that.